What is your cat thinking? His body language can give it away.
Cats use a variety of signals (posture, facial expressions and vocalizations) to convey their message and avoid unwelcome confrontations.
By learning to decipher these cats posture, you can deepen bonds of affection with your cat and prevent misunderstandings and potential aggression.
But for many of us, cat lingo feels like a foreign language difficult to understand and even harder to decipher. Here, animal behaviorists help us interpret Kitty's words and sounds.
1. Tummy Display
Body language of cats is more nuanced than that of a dog, Karen Sueda, DVM, Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, said: "Part of the problem arises when people use their knowledge of the dog and brought it to the cat," Sueda said. that
Have you ever wondered why such behavior seems to buck your cat's stomach flipped, revealing it may be met with aggression clear when you try to stroke it or not.
When your cat is content and relaxed, she could stretch out and roll over. But in other situations when I feel cornered and can not escape this manner - with claws fully extended and sharp teeth - may protect highly suggests that she is prepared to fight with Pam Johnson Bennett. by a certified animals said. Behavior consultant in Nashville, Tenn.
As with other human interactions cats, it is important to learn what your cat likes.
When a cat or cats greeting a person with a slow flashes, fatigue, communication, love it.
Why? Because in the world of cats eyes in the presence of others is a good sign of trust.
By cat blinked slowly, you will be communicating that you are aware of its presence and any threats, so next time your cat winking at you try to return the gesture.

One of the most accurate barometer of the mood of the cat's tail.
When held up to communicate confidence. Tail coiled around the legs of a man, or just send a friendly signal. And hid underneath or between your legs, it signals insecurity or anxiety.
A bottle brush tail is a clear sign that your cat is feeling threatened. And when combined with the straight hair along the spine and back curved claws sheathed stance is a dead giveaway that you should back off, Sueda said.
By Adriane Bishko
WebMD Pet Health Feature